Texa's independence

  • Mexico's freedom

    With the signing of the Treaty of Cordoba, Mexico is free from Spanish control after 300 years as a Spanish colony and 11 years of revolution.
  • La Bahia Road and the Brazos River

    The first Anglo settlers arrive in Texas under Stephen F. Austin's
    contract with the Mexican government which allowed him to settle 300 families in Texas. Among the "Old Three Hundred" is Andrew
    Robinson from Georgia, who settled in the area along the La BahiaRoad and the Brazos River that eventually became the town of
  • The colonitation law

    Mexico passes the General Colonization Law, formally opening Texas to colonization. Presenting empresario grants to individuals, the hope is to encourage settlement and economic growth in the remote Mexican land of Texas.
  • Cotton production

    The total amount of cotton exported from Texas rises to 10,000 bales. Frances Trask Thompson opens the first girls' school in Independence.
  • The seven laws

    The seven laws established a centralized goverment
  • Lorenzo zavala

    Lorenzo de Zavala plays a key role in the Constitutional Convention of 1836. He is unanimously elected to serve as Vice President of the
    Republic of Texas. Zavala proposes a resolution that the constitution and laws of Texas be translated into the Spanish language.
  • Texa's popultaion

    The population of Texas has grown to 35,000 inhabitants, including some 5,000 slaves. Trade along the coast as well as up major rivers has increased. Galveston Island and Anahuac, at the mouth of the Trinity River, are major stopping points, as are the towns of Indianola at Matagorda Bay and Velasco near the mouth of the Brazos River.
  • First Congress

    In early October, the first Congress convenes in Columbia. At the end of the month, Sam Houston defeats Stephen F. Austin to become the first regularly elected President of Texas. He works to demilitarize Texas, establish peace with the Indians, and annex Texas to the United
  • Texas Declaration of Independence

    Convention delegates sign the Texas Declaration of Independence. This document draws heavily on the Declaration written sixty years earlier by Thomas Jefferson.
  • The battle of San Jacinto

    Texas was joined with Coahuila, refused to follow a centralized goverment, Santa anna was captured in the battle of san jacinto and signs the treaties of velasco making possible the independence of texas.