Erikson Timeline- Grace Dunn

  • Trust vs Mistrust

    An infant develops a sense of trust with a caregiver when the caregiver responds to their cries and fulfills there needs. Because an infant has few relationships at infancy, the act of being cared for instilling hope and trust. If a child isn't cared for, is crying constantly and needs arent fulfilled they develop a sense of mistrust and have a hard time forming relationships and trusting the outside world throughout childhood.
  • Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

    A child feels an urge to be more independent and shows signs suggesting they are ready for toilet training. They feel too big, too old to be in diapers and express interest in big boy, big girl underwear.
  • Initiative vs Guilt

    Toddler begins wanting more control over their own lives and begin deciding what they want to do. A toddler wakes up and gets dressed in what they picked out before going to find mom is an example of this search for independency. They can feel guilty if they try to dress themselves and end up ripping there shirt or pants.
  • Industry vs Inferiority

    A child has started school and has numerous tasks to perform throughout the day. They think about how they could perform a task well to gain praise and attention. When a task is performed well and the teacher pats them on the back and says good job it boost s there confidence when they mess up and the teacher has to correct hem they feel inferior to the students who did well and got the pat on the back.
  • Identity vs Identity Confusion

    A teenager is searching for their sense of identity: Who am I? What do I enjoy? What do I not? A teenager breaking rules, trying new things is pretty common in this stage, they are exploring the world around them to find their fit. A teenager who doesnt find a fit for themselves struggle with never being satisfied with where they are in life, and the world around them.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    A young adult, going out on dates but never finding someone they click with wonders if they are meant to be alone. Is there anyone for them? They can feel isolated and lonely. An adult in a relationship, long term, short term, feel loved and liked and feel they have a larger place in the world. They don't feel lonely or isolated. Human connection is such an important thing throughout life to remain happy and positive and keep a good outlook in life.
  • Generativity vs stagnation

    An older adult in the second half of their life tends to focus on giving back to the world, whether nurturing their own kids or grandbabies or working a job that does good is a sign of generativity. While some adults struggle, don't have kids or grandkids, and don't feel they are doing much good in the world feel a sense of stagnation and just rolling through the motions.
  • Ego integrity vs despair

    Being the last stage it is primarily focused on reflections. Reflection on if a good life was lived and what regrets one has. An elderly can feel they didn't do enough, didn't get enough done, making them feel regretful and sad. Looking back at memories and pictures of life events, weddings, family reunions, holidays, loved coworkers can instill a sense of love and light making one feel satisfied with the life they have lived.