Abigail STAAR 8

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    How did this grant people more rights?
    - English gave rich white men more rights than before.
  • Jamestown

    First English colony in America- Settled for tobacco.
  • Period: to

    Southern colonies formed

    What was the reason for settling?
    - Economic opportunities, expanding trades, and to harvest tobacco.
    Geography of the region.
    - Harsh winters, but fertile soil.
    What was the main religion?
    Anglican or Christian.
  • Virginia House of Burgess

    - First form of representative government in America.
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    - One of the first forms of representative government.
  • Period: to

    Mayflower Compact

    - It was the first contract written in America, to promise to stick together and not split up.
  • Period: to

    New England colonies formed

    What is the reason for settling?
    - Religious freedom.
    Geography of the region?
    - Atlantic coast, rocky soil, forest areas, long harsh winters.
    Main religions?
    - Puritans and Pilgrims.
  • Period: to

    middle colonies formed

    What was the reason for settling?
    - Economic opportunities and religious and political freedom.
    Geography of the region?
    - Fertile soils, flat lands and plains, shorter winters.
    Main religions?
    - Quakers.
  • Mercantilism

    What was this system?
    - A Economic system between Great Britain and the colonies, provided raw materials for England, which made the finshed products and sold to colonies.
    Why would this upset colonists?
    - They felt like it violated there freedom to trade with other countries.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    This war was fought between what groups of people?
    - French and Native Americans vs. Great Britain
    What was the cause of the Revolutionary war?
    - Fighting over territory in the west of Appalachian mountains, which increased the debt of Great Britain and caused them to increase the taxes to American colonists.
  • Proclamation line

    What did this do? Why did it angry the colonists?
    - Set a line on the French and Indian War, British colonies to the east, French and Native Americans to the west of the mountains. It angered them from being separated.
  • Stamp Act

    What was it?
    - First tax placed on the American colonies to pay the debt for the French and Indian War, needed a stamp to be put on printed paper products.
    Why did Great Britain need to implement this?
    - So they would be able to pay for the British troop that we're stationed during the Seven Year War.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    - First meeting between the multiple colonies to discuss the problems with the King of England. Drafted a protest and also arranged and boycott with " Taxation without Representation".
  • Boston Massacre

    What was this?
    - Americans we're protesting the taxes, to we're they started throwing things at the British soldiers.
    Who was the "first death of the American Revolution"?
    - Crispus Attucks.
  • Boston Tea Party

    What was this? What was it in response to?
    - A protest to the taxes put on tea, they responded by disguising themselves as Indians and dumped the tea into Boston Harbour.
    Who we're the Sons of Liberty? Who was their leader?
    - A secret society to protect the rights of the colonist and taxation, it was led by Samuel Adams.
  • Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

    - It punished the colonist for protesting: Banned town meetings and allowed British soldiers to be housed in colonist homes.
  • First Continental Congress

    What was the significant about this?
    - 12 colonies met together to discuss their problems with Great Britain, they didn't want independence, just someway to come back with Great Britain.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    - First battle of the revolution, known as the "shot heard around the world", Paul Revere warned "The British are coming", to arrest the Sons of Liberty.
  • Common Sense

    What was it?
    - A pamphlet that help spread the world about why the colonies should become independent.
    Who was it written by?
    - Thomas Paine.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Important people at this?
    - George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.
    What important document was written here and by who?
    - A draft to the Declaration of Independence, written by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    What was the outcome?
    - The turning point of the war, America won, soon Spain and France backed the rebelling colonies.
    Why did Spain and France get involved?
    - The war convinced France that Americans can fight against a disciplined military units and win, bringing Spain into the war also.
  • Winter of Valley Forge

    Who was the leader?
    - George Washington.
    Why did so many people die?
    - Freezing conditions and lack of supplies.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Who help? From what Country?
    - Frenchmen help, Marquis de Lafayette, from France.
    What was the outcome?
    - The battle ended with the British surrendering, ending the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    What did this establish?
    - American colonist their independence set new boundaries,
  • Constitutional convention

    who were the major names of the constitutional convention? who was the main author?
    - James Madison, George Mason, Rodger Sherman, William Paterson, James Wilson. The main author was Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
  • The Great Compromise

    what was the new jersey/small state plan?
    - Called to the Virginia plan, which was to the two congress houses.
    what was the Virginia/big state plan?
    - Its role would be to setting all overall to agenda to the debate in the Convention.
    what was the great compromise?
    - An agreement between the small and large states to the legislative structure and representation.
  • 3/5 Compromise

    What was it?
    - It was to having blacks votes counts, which we're, but only the population of a slave would be counted as 3/5.
  • Federalist papers

    who were the main authors of the federalist papers?
    - Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay.
    what were they in favor of?
    - The support to the United States Constitution.
  • Anti-Federalists papers

    who were the main authors?
    - Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, George Mason, Richard Henry Lee, Robert Yates, James Monroe, and Amos Singletary.
    what were they against?
    - The Constitution, fearing the Nation was too large for the National Government, they we're also worried that the Constitution had no Bill of Rights.
    why were they against this?
    - They felt like the Constitution gave too much power to the National Government, believing it would turn to being like Great Britain.
  • Period: to

    George Washington's Presidency

    What advisory system did he set up? Who are the president's advisors?
    - Cabinet.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    What was it?
    - A protest to the first tax that was placed after the Constitution was written.
    Who shut it down? How?
    - President George Washington With his Military.
  • Pinckey's Treaty

    What was it?
    - A treaty signed with Spain to allow the U.S. to trade in New Orleans.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    What 2 things did Washington advise us to avoid?
    - Staying neutral in foreign affairs.
    - Politics parties.
  • Period: to

    John Adams' Presidency

    • First president to claim a political party
    • He was a leader of the Federalist party ( strong central government ) What was the Aliens and Sedition Acts?
    • Allowed the central ( Federal ) government to imprison you if you we're from a foreign country
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson's Presidency

    • He was a leader of the Democratic-Republican party ( states rights)
    • Wrote the Declaration of Independence What pirates did he have to go to war with?
    • Barbary pirate, this was the first official war U.S. was involved in and was the first time our Navy was used.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    • This doubled the size of U.S
    • Thomas bought it
    • Bought by France
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    What did the Supreme Court set up because of what case?
    - Set up Judicial Review
    ( An easy to remember this; M&M's ( Marbury and Madison ))