Tess of the D'Urbevilles Time Line

  • May Day Celebration

    In the town there is a dance where the first meeting of Tess and Angel takes place. When Tess returns home her father is drinking at a local inn, Tess, her mother Joan, and Abraham go out to retrieve him. This is also the day Tess learns of her family lineage and the idea of her visiting the D'Urbervilles is first discussed
  • Death of the Horse

    Tess and Abraham wake up early in the morning to deliver Bee Hives to the local market. It is dark and they ride in a wagon pulled by their horse Prince. Tess and Abraham talk about how they live on a "blighted star". They both zone out and the wagon collides with a mail wagon killing the horse. Tess feels wholly responsible for the death and wants to make it up to her family.
  • Tess is sent to the D'Urbeville's Estate

    Here she first meets Alec, She really does not like him but is forced to associate with him because of the possibility of wealth for her family. He makes her uncomfortable and he constantly mocks her. She does not want to return.
  • Tess gets a letter from Mrs. D'urberville

    Here she is offered a opportunity to care for her Fowl farm. Tess does not want to return but is pressured by her family and eventually returns to Trantridge. Tess is taken there by Alec where their awkward and one sided relationship continues.
  • Tess takes care of the fowl farm

    The fowls are kept in the older D'Urberville house. She does this for the next 4 months.
  • Night in The Chase

    Tess goes out to a local tavern Flower De Luce. On her way home Alec comes by and offers her a ride home. They get lost ending up in the Chase where Alec drugs and rapes Tess.
  • Tess returns home

    Tess returns home from the D'Urberville mansion, her family is happy to see her but disappointed that she failed in claiming kin. She then takes up a job in the fields.
  • Birth and Death of Sorrow

    After its birth Sorrow becomes ill and dies.Just before its death Tess baptizes the baby in a improper way but the Parson agrees the child will have a christian burial.
  • Letter from Dairy farmer

    Tess receives letter from a dairy farmer offering her a job as a dairymaid. She accepts this offer and goes to the dairy farm in Stourcastle.