Tess of the D'Urberville Yearbook

By raniak
  • descendants of the d'Urbervilles

    john durbeyfield meets an old person who educates him regarding his hereditary associations with the d'urbeilves. his little girl, Tess, is likewise educated regarding this after she got back from the mayday celebration. as Tess and her siblings go looking for their folks at the motel, they banter about soothsaying however nod off soon after, while sleeping their carriage impacts with a nearby shop, and wound up killing their pony
  • trantridge

    after her being very guilty of killing the horse tess forcefully agrees with her parent's request of meeting the d'urberviles, when they arrived, tess is surprised to find a mansion than the house that she envisioned, when she meets Alec, who takes a liking to them she receives a letter from his mother offering her a job at their field.
  • alec d'urberville

    the day tess was supposed to leave, her mother convinces her to get dressed in her best clothes, as Alec comes to pick her up, her mother becomes nervous all of a sudden and is scared for Tess's safety, on the drive. Alec drove very dangerously even when Tess begs for him to stop, he finally agrees and does so only if tess kisses him, she forcefully agrees, and wipes it off immediately after, this pissed alec off and he continues on, they argue and Tess finally continues the travel on foot.
  • Mrs. d'Urberville

    Tess met Alec's mother, Mrs. d'Urberville, and finds out that she is actually blind later comes evident that she is not the tiniest appreciative or satisfied with less and her work.