Terry Fox

  • When he was Born

  • Terry was diagnosed with cancer in his leg and gets his leg amputated that year

    (not the exact date)
  • Terry writes to the canadian cancer society to support his run

  • Terry dips his leg in NewFoundland to begin the marathon of hope

    Terry dips his leg in NewFoundland to begin the marathon of hope
  • Terry stops his run at Thunderbay and is diagnosed with lung cancer

  • Fox becomes the yougest companion in the Order Of Canada

  • 24.1million$ is raised from Terry's Marathon of hope

    His wish was to have each Canadian give 1$ and it came true
  • When he passed away

  • Terry Fox is put in the Candian Sports Hall of Fame

  • TerryFox runs are held worldwide to this day to raise money for and support cancer

    TerryFox runs are held worldwide to this day to raise money for and support cancer