Period: to
Different Terrorist Groups: 1900's - 2000's
IRA (Irish Republican Army)
They were several paramilitary groups that were dedicated to Irish republicism. They believed that the use of polictical voilence was needed to schieve their goal. -
Irgun (Zeva'i Le'umi)
This was a Jewish underground organisation. In 1937 the group split into two different groups, the Haganah and the Irgun Zeva'i Le'umi. The new Irgun Zeva'i Le'umi group (Etzel), they carried out armed reprisals against Arbas. During World war two however they called a truce leading to another split into British Arny's Palestinian units and later the Jewish Brigade. Later the Etzel group attached the britsh adminerstration blowing up office buildings, military instilations and police stations. -
ANC (African National Congress)
Rebels group that was lead by Nelson Mandella in 1960's that was working against the apartheid in South Africa. They then went on to be the government in power during Nelson Mandella's time in office. -
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation)
Political gorup that calimed to represent the world's population that were Palestinian. It was formed out of vairous different Palestinian groups that had been previously working in secrect resistance movements. -
The Mujahideen were a group of rebels who were backed by the US government during the Cold War to help resist and possibly over take the Soviet Union/Communist part that was in place within Afghanistan. -
The Tamil Tigers
This gorup consisted of Hindus living in the north and east of Sri Lanka. Most of the population of the country is Buddhist. The Tigers however were campaiging for a Homeland to be made making this group a nationalist group. They used techniques such as suici bombings, assinations on political figures (Such as Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Ghandi, in 1991) and destroying buddhist monuements. -
Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement)
The aim was to set up an independent Islamic state for Palestine. It has done this through polictical campaigns and also through armed resistance against Israel. -
al Qaeda
Lead by Osama Bin Ladin; the main goal of the group was to drive the US forces out of the Middle East, especially out of Saudi Arabia and Somalia by using violence. They are a nationalist group. -
ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
A powerful terrorist militant group that is a combination of forces from the past group al Qaeda in Iraq and also different Syrian forces, fighting against other Syrian forces in their civil war. They now have controlled large parts of Syria. They are a politically motivated group that evolved due to the Syrian Civil war.