Beirut Barracks Bombing : Lbanon
Two truck bombs detonted on two seperate buildings housing united states and french military forces. members of the mnf ( multinational force in lebanon killing 299 people american and french serviceman. the group claiming responsibilty for this was calling it self islamic jihad -
World Trade Center Bombing : New York, New York
Islamic terrosit, Master mind behind the world trade center bombing which killed 6 and injured over a 1000 people, Ramzi Yousuf was arrested and convicted of conspiracy, explosive destruction of property, and interstate transportation of explosives. -
AMIA Bombing : Buenos Aires Argentina
A bombing occured in buenos aires killing 85 people and injuring hundred of people.Prosecutors in Argentina belived to think the islam government put the hazbollah up to the bombing. the reasoning behind the attack is because Argentina suspended a nuclear technolgy contract to Tehran. -
Oklahoma City Bombing
TImothy McVeigh and Terry NIchols KIlled 168 people bye blowing up a bomb causing around 652 million dollars worth of damage and injuring 680 people.. Timothy was a US Militia sympthizer and was motivated by the hatred of the federal government. for the ruling in the 1992 rudy ridge accident and the 1993 waco seige. -
Beslan School Siege : Beslan North Ossetia Russia
A hostage sitiuation from september 1st till the 3rd occured when armed islamic terrorists took over a school to get recgonition and independence for chechyna. Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev is responsible for the death of about 385 and the injuries of 747. He sent the Riyadus-Silikhan to carry out this attack, -
Yazidi community bombings : Kahytaniya and Jazeera near mousul
Around 7:20 three co-ordinated suicide bombings took place in the yazidi towns the bomb killed 500 and wounded 1,500 It is believed that the attacks are connected to when a yazidi woman was stoned to death for wanting to convert so she could marry a sunni. after video was seen on the internet of the stoning, sunni gunman stopped a bus filled with yazidis, they took 23 men off and executed them. It is suspected that sunnis are responsible for the attack but the main suspect is al-qaeda -
Boko Haram uprising : Maidugari Borno Nigeria
Boko Haram, a Islamic militant group based in nigeria ran by Mohammed Yusuf. Planned an attack on nigerian police forces for an occurence that happened previously but they also seeked out christians that refused to convert to islam. They killed around 780 people including christian pastor George Orijah. -
Gunman Takes Hostages at Cafe : Sydney Austrailla
Haron Moris a gunman took 17 hostages in a cafe in the center of sydney. 3 people died 2 hostages and the gunman. Gunman was born in islam is supposedly not a jihadists.