Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
European arrival
Aug 30, 1534
Jacques Cartier arrives in America
Explored and mapped the Gulf of St-Lawrence, reported what he thought was gold but lots of fish, timber, and furs. -
Aug 30, 1535
Jacques Cartier returns to Canada
Sailed up the St-Lawrence, reached Stadacona (Quebec). Nice natives showed Europeans how to survive winter and scurvy. They return with native captives (incl. Chief Donacona) -
Aug 30, 1541
Jacques Cartier has his thrid and final voyage to Canada
Attemped to set up a colony (not successful). Missionaries attempted to convert natives. France lost interest for 60yrs. -
Port Royal establishment
The king first sent a voyage in 1605 to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia called Port Royal.Samuel de Champlain was a part of Port Royal.Port Royal failed because of its position (to far east, Indians don’t go all the way to trade) -
laviolette 1634
establishes Trois-Rivieres -
Establishes Montreal -
Louis 14th
Takes full control of his throne and begins what is one of the logest sessions of power in french history -
The population did increase rapidly 1663 →3,000ppl
Jean baptiste Colbert and Louis 14 decided to implement Royal Government in 1663.
Minister of Marine who at the time was Jean-Baptiste Colbert. He and Louis decided to implement Royal Government in 1663. -
The First Intercolonial War→Ends with the Treaty of Ryswick 1697
the picture insered is an oelisk to honor Treaty of Ryswick -
-The Second Intercolonial War→Ends with the Treaty of Utrecht 1713
-The Third Intercolonial War→Ends with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle 1748
The Seven Years War
The seven years war is essentiial to north american history as the result of the british beating the french on the battle of the plains of abraham made north america nearly entirely under british command. -
Louisbourg falls again in 1758
clears way to enter the St-Lawrence and attack Quebec -
Battle on the Plains of Abraham (1759)
Wolf (Eng.) vs. Montcalm (Fr.) both Generals die -
People begin to be called canadien. in 13 colonies american
1760 grew to become a distinct set of people called Canadien (13 colonies are becoming Americans). -
Declaratory Act
DATE NOT GIVEN --> King could pass laws on 13 coloniesTownshed Act → Duties on glass, paints, paper, and tea (Boston Tea Party -
The Seven Years War Ends
The war end with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. This makes the entire continent of north america under british command except for two islands belonging to the french: St. Pierre et Miquelon -
This is the first constitution given by the king of Britain to his new people. -
1763 Treaty of Paris
All of New France is given to britain accepct two little islands remain french to this day: St.Pierre and Miquelon -
Quebec Act 1774
This is the second act by the royal governement, It was made to help the french population -
The Declaration of Independence is issued to the King 1776
American Revolution Begins 1776
The Americans want to get independance -
The British final defeat was in Yorktown 1781
This ends the war of independance. -
1783 (Treaty of Versailles)
This treaty declares the official independance of the united states. -
Constitutional Act
This act seperates the province of canada into two provinces. Upper and Lower Canada -
James Watt creates steam energy
This is very helpfull to society since now transportation is quicker. Boats and trains are faster with this type of energy -
TImber becomes the primary export of canada
War of 1812
this war was between the americans and the canadians. simply a war about the americans becoming allies with the french, and the british colonie of canada was not willing to accpect that. -
Third wave of immigration
Many poor people from great britain look for a better life in north america -
Creation of british party and parti canadien
British party leader: William Lyon Mackenzie
Le parti canadien (patriote) leader: Louis Joseph Papineau -
92 resolutions are sent to London
Louis Joseph Papineau sends 92 resolutions to London. These 92 resolutions are things Papineau wants changed in the colonie. London answers with Russell's 10 resolutions, granting none of canada's whishes and giving more power to the council. -
Canada creates railway system
Union Act
This act will put both canadas back together, with a goal to assimulate the french and make them a minority -
Treaty of Reciprocity
This makes the United States of America and Canada have free trade which changes the economy for the better.