Ten Frightening Earthquakes

  • Deadly Earthquake in Pakistan that killed 80,361 people

    Deadly Earthquake in Pakistan that killed 80,361 people
    This Earthquake killed 80,361 people in Pakistan at a magnitude level of 7.6
  • Devastating Earthquake in Java, Indonesia 2006

    Devastating Earthquake in Java, Indonesia 2006
    At a magnitude of 6.3, this natural caused 5,749 deaths
  • Earthquke near the Coast of Central Peru in 2007

    Earthquke near the Coast of Central Peru in 2007
    During the Summer of 2007, Peru 514 people died during an earthquake at an 8.0 magnitude
  • Sichuan

    A shocking 7.9 magnitude was what left devestation during the Earthquake, leaving 87,587 deceased people.
  • Sumatra, Indonesia

    Sumatra, Indonesia
    This Earthquake hit hard at a 7.5 magnitude causing people to loose 1,117 loved ones.
  • Haiti 2010

    Haiti 2010
    Unfortunately, Haiti wasn't really perpared for such an earthquake at a 7.0 scale, for 3160,00 of their residents died.
  • Honshu, Japan 2011

    Honshu, Japan 2011
    This powerful earthquake penatrated the ground of Honshu, Japan at a 9.0 magnitude leaving 20,896 people dead.
  • Philppines 2012

    Philppines 2012
    During 2012, an earthquake hit the Negros-Cebu Region, Philippines at a 6.7 killing 113 people.
  • Pakistan/td> Earthquake

    Pakistan/td> Earthquake
    A devestating 7.7 earthquake killed 825 people in the region.
  • Iquique, Chile Earthquake 2

    Iquique, Chile Earthquake 2
    At a 8.2 on the Richter Scale, this earthquake may have caused damage, but it only killed 6 epople. in Iquique, Chile.
  • Disaster Nepal

    Disaster Nepal
    At a 6.6 magnitude, this earthquake in Nepal this year killed 30,000-60,000 people!