television timeline

  • First television

    First television
    The first television was made in 1927 by a group of people, but Philo Farnsworth is considered the creator.
  • Television with sound

    The first television to give out sound was created in 1947 by John Logie Baird.
  • Colored television

    Colored television
    The first colored tv was created in 1953 by Guillermo Gonzalez Camerena.
  • v-shaped antenna

    v-shaped antenna
    The iconic v-shaped antenna for a tv was created in 1953. The antenna also helped the tv connect to signals.
  • Television remote

    Television remote
    The television remote was made in 1956 by Robert Adler. People could now control the tv from a distance.
  • Closed captions tv

    The closed captions could allow people to know what the tv was saying without having to listen to it. This is especially helpful to deaf people.
  • Smart tv

    The smart tv was created in 2008 by Adnan F. This tv could interact with the internet and use apps.
  • 4k tv

    4k television was created in 2012 by Evan Kosiner. This means that the tv had more pixels, which means it had a smoother display.