Television/Film Movement

  • 1075

    Disenchantment and Frustration

    Due to Vietnam War, saw a rush of creativity due to changes in restrictions on language, sex, violence, and other strong thematic content.
  • 1940's tough time for film

    Due to attack of Pearl Harbor. Production saw rebound due to advances in technology such as special effects, better sound recording quality, and beginning of color film use.
  • Intro to TV Sets

    Estimated 10 million homes owned TV sets
  • Shift in Target Market

    No longer baby boomers, now aimed at American Youth
  • Filmmakers create rebellion and rock n' roll

    Era saw rise of darker plot lines and edgier characters. EX: James Dean, Ava Gardner, and Marilyn Monroe
  • Decline in Movie Theater Attendance

    Decline in movie theater attendance due to at home TV sets; Hollywood studios lose money
  • Hollywood produces film for TV

    Hollywood starts to produce film for TV in order to make money they lost in theaters
  • Fun, Fashion, Rock n' roll

    Movies during this time focused on fun, fashion, rock n’ roll, societal shifts like the civil rights movements, and transitions in cultural values. It was also a time of change in the world’s perception of America and its culture, largely influenced by the Vietnam War and continuous shifts in governmental power
  • Slowest Year in Film Production

    Approx. 120 movies released, fewer than any year since 1920's.
  • Film companies make money in other areas

    Film companies make money in music records, movies made for TV, and invention of TV series
  • Ticket Price lowered to $1

    Lowered prices in hopes to create greater appeal to former moviegoers.
  • Low ticket prices cause depression

    Due to low ticket prices, caused depression in film industry that had been developing over 25 years. Studios struggled to survive and make money.
  • Disney World created

    Due to studios struggling, they made money in a different way. Built Florida's Disney World.
  • Rebirth of Hollywood

    Based on making high-action and youth-oriented pictures, usually featuring new and dazzling special effects technology
  • Financial Trouble alleviated

    Due to Jaws and Star Wars. Era also saw VHS players, laser disc players, films on video cassette tapes and discs. This greatly increased profits and revenue for studios.