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  • Antonio Meucci

    Antonio Meucci
    Created the first basic telephone
  • Charles Bourseul

    Frenchman who created the “make and break” telephone
  • Harmonic telegraph

    A device that could transmit multiple messages at ore time. Started interest in transmitting human voice
  • Simple receiver

    Bell and partner Thomas Watson created receiver that turns electricity into sound
  • First US Patent

    Alexander Graham Bell was the one to get it
  • Period: to


    The first telephone line, switchboard, and telephone exchange happened
  • American Bell Telephone Company

    Merged phone company’s together to created this
  • AT&T

    AT&T was created
  • First transcontinental call

    Bell called Watson in San Francisco from New York
  • Period: to

    Government nationalized telephones

    World war 1 caused the government to get phone lines across the US
  • First commercial mobile phone

    Links moving vehicles to telephone network by radio
  • Transatlantic cables

    Transatlantic cables were laid making calls to Europe from the US possible
  • First cell phone

    Motorola shows first wireless to the phone FCC
  • First commercial cell phone

    Martin Cooper creates first commercial cell phone
  • First "smart phone"

    First attempt at a smartphone
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    First iPhone released with touch screen
  • First android-based smartphone

    Motorola releases the droid