First Draft
The main idea of the telephone came to the mind of Alexander Graham Bell this year, and two years later he applied for a pattent. "If I could make a current of electricity vary in intensity precisely as the air varies in density during the production of sound, I should be able to transmit speech telegraphically" -
First Sentence Transmitted
After he applyed for the pattent, the sentence “Mr. Watson, come here; I want you” was transmitted in his laboratory. -
Construction of the first Telephone Line
At this year, the first telephone line was built from Boston to Somerville. It was a great beginning becouse after 3 years, there were arround 47,900 telephones only in the US. -
Transcontinental Communication
Transcontinental telephony service was introduced in 1915. This was a quite outstanding event that had never seen before. That was a demonstration of how far had arrived the success of the telephone. This time, Graham Bell called his collegue Watson using his famous phrase but this time from New York to San Francisco. -
First Cordless Telephone
This year the first wireless telephone or mobile phone was itroduced.
This obvious but revolutionary invention was on of the big steps to globalization. -
First Digital Phones
Thanks to the general avances in thelephones in regard to battery life and size, and also to the huge improvements in computers, digital phones were possible. This made ordinary phones start disappearing for the next years.