Telephone timeline

  • Creation of the Telephone

    Creation of the Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone (centennial phone).
    Different tones would vary the strength of an electric current in a wire.
    It converted sounds into electronic signals.
  • Public Telephone

    Public Telephone
    William Grey was the inventor, he installed the public telephone in Connecticut.
    You could hear and talk at the same time.
    It was much cheaper and also public.
  • Rotary dial Telephone

    Rotary dial Telephone
    Antoine Barney was a french engineer, who came up with the idea with Graham's work.
    The telephone used electricity to carry sound messages over long distances.
    The buttons allowed the dialing to be easier and convenient.
  • ComKey 416 telephone

    ComKey 416 telephone
    AT&T and BTL were the inventors of the new Comkey 416.
    It had many features like: A hands-free speakerphone, modular construction and also solid sate circuity system
  • Technical information about the telephone (1)

    Technical information about the telephone (1)
    The telephone is an electrical communication system used to talk directly with other people in other places. You can use the phone by dialing the number on the device and speaking into it. It has improved in many ways during the years and because of that, people can communicate better with long distance
  • Technical information about the telephone (2)

    Technical information about the telephone (2)
    Because of all the improvements done over the years we can now use our mobile phones for many other reasons, (not only communicating to others) we also use games and hear music. A great improvement done is that now we can see eachcother when getting a call (facetime).