Alexander graham bell

Telephone History

  • Mechanical Acoustic Devices

    Primitive phones were like 2 cans tied together with a string they weren't very useful, they transmitted voice data mechanically versus electronically.
  • Period: to

    Invention of the Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in the 1880's but primitive telephones were developed as early as the 1660's.
  • Electrical Telegraphs

    1804, Francisco Salva Campillo created an electrochemical telegraph
    1832, Baron Schilling improved the telegraph.
    1839 The first working electric telegraph-constructed on the Great Western Railway in England.
    1837 Samuel Morse developed electrical telegraph
    1838 Alfred Vail created a Morse code signaling alphabet that could be used to transmit messages electronically and sent the first telegram that same year
  • Bell Telephone Company

    Bell Telephone company was established in 1878, and later became what we know as AT&T. By the middle of 1878, Bell already had 10 000 phones in service
  • The payphone

    The payphone was invented by William Gray, it was coin-operated and was installed in Hartford Bank
  • The first telephone line constructed

    The first telephone line was made in Boston, and stretched to Somerville, Massachusetts. And by 1894 there was a line between Boston and New York.
  • Rotary dialing

    Originally you had to tap dial which meant you had to tap out the number in sequence to get the right number. Rotary dialing made this obsolete by dialing the number based on a certain frequency of range on where the dial turned.
  • Touch Tone Phones

    Touch tone phones were literally just the phone where you pressed the numbers to call someone
  • The first cellphone

    The idea of a mobile phone came after WWII but didn't know how they could create one. Almost 40 years later it had been done, the Motorola DynaTAC. This phone was extremely flawed.It took up to 10 hours for a full charge, had a talk time of 30 minutes, weighed 1.75 pounds and had a hefty price of $3,995 dollars.
  • Cordless Phones

    Cordless phones worked on frequencies of 47 MHz and 49 MHz. They required less power to run and a lesser chance of interference. Over time the FTC allowed more and more frequency ranges. In 2003 the FCC bumped the limit up to 5.8 GHz.