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Telephone timeline

  • Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone
    They already had the telegraph to transmit information. The main problem was that it used the morse code and was limited to sending and receiving one message at a time.
    Bell wanted to create something that could transmit more than one message at a time, along the same wire; the Harmonic Telegraph.
    In June, while working on it, he heard a sound coming over the telegraph wire and called his assistant, Watson, to ask what he had done, and just like that the telephone was invented.
  • Bell telephone company was established

    Bell telephone company was established
    The company was founded by Bell’s father-in-law. At first, the company was exclusively founded to hold “potentially valuable patents”. But by the middle of 1878, the Bell Telephone Company had 10,000 phones in service.
  • First coin operated telephone was invented

    First coin operated telephone was invented
    The world’s first pay phone was created and patented by an inventor named William Gray from Hartford, Connecticut. The payphone was coin-operated and installed in Hartford Bank.
  • First mobile phone was invented

    First mobile phone was invented
    Martin Cooper is considered the inventor of the mobile phone. You could talk on this phone for 35 minutes before recharging it for 10 hours. The only things you could do with this cell phone were dial, talk, and listen.
  • First mobile with a full keyboard

    First mobile with a full keyboard
    The Nokia 9000i was the fist mobile to had a full keyboard.
    The first most common way of texting was multi-tap. Each number of the cell is connected to three or four letters.