Centennial Model
This was the first distant telephone. It was created by Alexander Graham Bell, he maked the first long distance telephone call with this device. -
Hand Cranked Wall Telephone
This type of phone was very common to find in the streets, where everyone could use them paying a set price. -
Western Electric Hanging Handset
This type of thelephone was revolutionary because it was the first device that had a Handset. The Handset is the part of the phone that you hold on your hand and you can speak and recive audio at the same time. -
The Standard Desk Phone
This was the typical phone that every family had in their house. It was mass produced and it had a great success around the world, especially in the USA. Nowadays it still being used by their durability and endurance. -
Motorola DynaTAC
It was the first mobile phone and it cost $ 3,995, and it had a battery that lasted only one hour of conversation. -
Nokia 3310
It was the first mobile phone with a screen, that's why it had so many success around the world. -
Nowaday phone
This technological device can offer you internet connection, video camera, unlimited calls and much more.