Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone to try to improve communication -
CandelStick Telephone
This phone was used from late 1890's until 1930's -
The first digital dialpad was patented by a man in Kansas City
Now they don't have to use switchboards -
Oliver Lodge is the first person to wirlessly call over 150 yards
1940's Bakelite
This new style phone was used during the 1940's -
Push button telephone
On November 18 1963 the first electronic push-button system was braught out by Bell Telephones. -
The Original Trimline was introduced in the Fall of 1965. Only rotary dial versions produced that first year, and availability was limited. Touch Tone dials become available in the middle of 1966. -
Cordless telephone
The cordless phone was invented in the 60's , the cordless telephone allows people to have privacy while useing the phone, but cannot travel out of a certain range of its base station. -
Motorola DynaTAC first cellphone
The Motorola DynaTAC was a sceries of some of the first cellular phones, also known as bricks because of their brick like shape. devaloped between 1968 and 83 -
the Iphone was released by Apple on Janurary 9 2007 and can do almost everything, and has only one button, it has millions of aplications and is touch screen.