The telegraph

Telegraph invention

  • When the first telegraph was invented

    When the first telegraph was invented
    Sir William Cooke and Sir Charles Wheatstone invented the telegraph in Europe using 5 magnetic needles that would point to panels of numbers and letter. They did this by using electric currents.
  • Samuel Morse becomes interested

    Samuel Morse becomes interested
    Samuel Morse was famously known for inventing the telegraph. His first was interested in inventing it around the 1830s when telegraphs were invented in Europe.
  • Morse Code

    A few years after Morse gets the idea to start inventing the telegraph, he thinks of a way to send messages. He worked with a system of dot and dashes to represent numbers and letters to use while sending a message through the telegraph. This later would be known as the Morse Code.
  • Getting approval

    A few years after creating Morse Code, Samuel applied to get federal government appropriation for the telegraph. He needed this in order to create the telegraph. This was around the same time the Great Depression started.
  • Period: to

    President Martian Van Buren

    Martian Van Buren was president at the time Samuel Morse wanted to build the telegraph. He was not the one who signed the check for Samuel to start building the telegraph.
  • Period: to

    President John Tyler

    John Tyler was president at the time Samuel built and sent the message over the telegraph. He was the president to sign the check and approval to build the telegraph.
  • Funding approved

    Funding approved
    At this time president John Tyler had signed the funding check for Samuel Morse to build the telegraph. Samuel and Alfred Vail start creating the machine and wire for communicating.
  • The first message

    The first message
    This was the day Samuel sent the first message to Alfred from Washington D.C. to Baltimore Maryland. The message said "What hath God wrought"
  • The Quadruplex system

    The Quadruplex system
    The Quadruplex system was invented by Thomas Edison. It is a system which can be used by having 4 messages sent on one wire. This helped more people receive messages.