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Telegraph history

  • Idea behind the Telegraph

    Idea behind the Telegraph
    The idea behind the telegraph was introduced to send electric signals across wires, and a rough system of the telegraph was used in France. (1700's)
  • One system of Morse Code Invented

    One system of Morse Code Invented
    One of the two systems for morse code was invented in the U.S. for electrical telegraphy. The version was soon further improved by an American scientist and businessman Alfred Lewis Vail. (1830s)
  • Morse Code invented

    Morse Code invented
    The code when transmitted over the telegraph system was rendered as marks on a piece of paper that the telegraph operator would then translate to English.
  • Samuel Morse builds a telegraph system

    Samuel Morse builds a telegraph system
    Morse built a telegraph system from D.C. to Baltimore with the financial support of Congress.
  • First message sent on a telegraph

    First message sent on a telegraph
    The first message sent on a telegraph was, "What hath God wrought?"
  • Telegraph line laid over a large distance

    A Telegraph line had been laid across the Atlantic Ocean from the United States to Europe.
  • AT&T Teletype comes out

    AT&T Teletype comes out
    AT&T introduced a printing telegraph system called the Teletype which became widely used for business communication. The unit consisted of a typewriter keyboard and a simplex printer Each keystroke generated a series of coded electric impulses that were sent over the transmission line to the receiving system. There the receiver decoded the pulses and printed the message on paper tape or another medium.
  • Minor changes in Morse Code

    The international morse code has, except for some minor changes remained the same since its inception.