telecomunications inventions

  • Computer,Charles Babbage

    Computer,Charles Babbage
    We can use a computer to find information on the internet and more important things.
  • Telegraph, Samuel Morse

    Telegraph, Samuel Morse
    Is a machine that was used in the war to communicate in morse .
  • Telephone, Antonio Meucci

    Telephone, Antonio Meucci
    I can use it to communicate with a person that is alone.
  • Radio,Guillermo Marconi

    Radio,Guillermo Marconi
    Is an electronic device that you use to listen to music.
  • Television,John Logie

    Television,John Logie
    Is an electronic devise that we use to see the NEWS and is so entertaining.
  • Tablet, Alan Kay

    Tablet, Alan Kay
    Is like a telephone but is bigger than the telephone and you need wifi to use it.
  • Mobile phone, Martin Cooper

    Mobile phone, Martin Cooper
    It is more confortable because you can move it.