
telecomunication inventions

  • Computer (Charles Babbage)

    Computer (Charles Babbage)
    We use the computer for work, play and call with friends
  • Telegraph (Samuel morse)

    Telegraph (Samuel morse)
    The telegraph was used in the 1st and 2nd mundial war for comunicate between sheeps.
  • Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)

    Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)
    Before the telephone was used to comunicate with persons, but now we use this for find our mobile phones
  • Radio (Guillermo Marconi)

    Radio (Guillermo Marconi)
    The radio is used for listen music or the news
  • Television (Philo Farnsworth)

    Television (Philo Farnsworth)
    The television is used for entertaiment and to inform us
  • mobile phone (martin cooper)

    mobile phone (martin cooper)
    The mobile phone is used for all, for comunicate, entretainment, play, etc.
  • tablet (Alan klay)

    tablet (Alan klay)
    The tablet is the same that an a mobile phone