Telecommunications Inventions

  • Computer

    In 1822, Charles Babbage created the first computer.
    It was the first automatic computing machine that could calculate various sets of numbers and make hard copies of the results.
  • Telegraph

    Joseph Henry built the first telegraph in 1829 but the person who impulsed this invent was Samuel Morse.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone, he invented this telecommunication in New York.
  • Radio

    In 1901, the Italian Guillermo Marconi invented the radio, he connected a signal from Europe to America for the first time.
  • Television

    John Logie Baird invented television. After several attempts he copied the electromagnetic wave system and turned into a television.
  • Tablet

    Alan Kay was the first person to get something similar to a tablet, of course was tactile.
  • Mobile phone

    Mobile phone
    Martin Cooper created the mobile phone, he wanted to communicate with other people on a certain distance and he did it.