Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida

telecommunications inventions

  • TELEGRAPH - Samuel Morse

    TELEGRAPH - Samuel Morse
    The telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication. It worked by transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations.
  • TELEPHONE - Alexander grahan bell

    TELEPHONE - Alexander grahan bell
    The telephone is a telecommunication device created to transmit acoustic signals at a distance by means of electrical signals.
  • RADIO - Heinrich Hrtz

    RADIO - Heinrich Hrtz
    Radio is a means of communication that is based on sending audio signals through radio waves, although the term is also used for other forms of remote audio transmission such as Internet radio.
  • TELEVISION - John Logie Baird

    TELEVISION - John Logie Baird
    John Logie Baird invented television after several attempts to copy the electromagnetic wave system of radio. With a great financial effort and without receiving help from investors, Baird managed to revolutionize telecommunications with this incredible device.
  • MOBILE PHONE - Martin Cooper

    MOBILE PHONE - Martin Cooper
    A mobile phone is a portable device that can make or receive calls through a radio frequency carrier, while the user is moving within a telephone service area.
  • COMPUTER - Charles Babbage

    COMPUTER - Charles Babbage
    The computer is a programmable digital machine that executes a series of commands to process the input data, conveniently obtaining information that is later sent to the output units.
  • TABLET - Alan Kay

    TABLET -  Alan Kay
    A tablet is a portable electronic device larger than a smartphone or PDA, it is a single piece that integrates a touch screen that emits light and with which you interact primarily with your fingers, without need for physical keyboard or mouse.