Telecommunication Inventions

  • Telegraph

    The telegraph was created by Samuel Morse in 1837. It was created to send encrypted messages with the Morse Code.
  • Telephone

    It was created by Antonio Meucci in 1854. He built it to be able to talk with his wife that was sick.
  • Radio

    The radio was created by Guillermo Marconi in 1904.
  • Television

    It was created by John Logie Baird in 1926. He started doing TV 's but investors didn't support them. It wasn't until this year when he revolutionized the telecommunications industry.
  • Computer

    The first computer was created by Konrad Zuse in 1941. This happened in his parents house in Berlin
  • Tablet

    The tablet was created by Alan Kay in 1968. This invent popularize Appple.
  • Mobile Phone

    Mobile Phone
    The mobile phone was created by Martin Cooper in 1973. The first mobile phone had a weight of 2 Kg.