
Telecommunication inventions

  • Computer - Charles Babbage

    Computer - Charles Babbage
    Programmable digital machine that executes a series of commands to process the input data, obtaining information that is sent to the output units.
  • Telegraph - Samuel Morse

    Telegraph - Samuel Morse
    Electrical device capable of transmitting text messages. For this purpose it uses the encoding, by means of morse code, in electrically emmited signals.
  • Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell

    Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell
    Telecommunication device designed to transmit acoustic signals at a distance by means of electrical signals.
  • Radio - Nikola Tesla and Guillermo Marconi

    Radio - Nikola Tesla and Guillermo Marconi
    Communication media based on the sending of audio signals through radio waves.
  • Television - John Logie Baird

    Television - John Logie Baird
    Electronic apparatus intended for the reception and reproduction of television signals. It usually consists of a screen and controls.
  • Mobile phone - Martin Cooper

    Mobile phone - Martin Cooper
    Wireless communication media via electromagnetic waves.
  • Tablet - Jeff Hawkins

    Tablet - Jeff Hawkins
    Type of laptop, ragularly larger than a smartphone, which has a touch screen which interacts without the need of a keyboard or mouse.