Ingenieria de telecomunicaciones 4

Telecommunication Inventions

  • Telegraph, Samuel Morse

    Telegraph, Samuel Morse
    What is it? It's a long distance transmission of written messages without the physical transport of letters, originally over wires. Radio telegraphy or wireless telegraphy transmits messages using radio.
  • Telephone, Alexander Graham Bell

    Telephone, Alexander Graham Bell
    What is it? A telephone is a system or device for transmiting voices over a distance by using a wire or a radio.
  • Radio, Nikola Tesla

    Radio, Nikola Tesla
    What is it? Its the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, especially those carrying sound messages.
  • Television, John Logie Baird

    Television, John Logie Baird
    What is it? It's a long-distance transmission of written messages without the physical transport of letters, originally over wires. Radio telegraphy or wireless telegraphy transmits messages using radio.
  • Computer, Charles Babbage

    Computer, Charles Babbage
    What is it? It's a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program, software, or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed.
  • Mobile Phone, Martin Cooper

    Mobile Phone, Martin Cooper
    What is it? It's a telephone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area, without a physical connection to a network.
  • Tablet, Steve Jobs

    Tablet, Steve Jobs
    A tablet is a wireless, portable personal computer with a touchscreen interface.