Computer Charles Babbage
The computer is a programmable digital electronic machine that executes a series of commands to process the input data, conveniently obtaining information that is later sent to the output units. -
Telegraph Samuel F.B. Morse
The telegraph is an apparatus or device that uses electrical signals for the transmission of coded text messages, such as Morse code, through wire lines or radio communications. -
Telephone Alexander Graham Bell, Antonio Meucci
The telephone is a telecommunication device created to transmit acoustic signals at a distance by means of electrical signals. It was created by Alexander Graham Bell -
Radio Nikola Tesla, Guillermo Marconi
Radio is a means of communication that is based on sending audio signals through radio waves. -
Television is a system for remote transmission and reception of images and sounds that simulate movements by means of radio waves. It was created by John Logie Baird. -
Tablet Alan Kay
A tablet is a portable electronic device that is larger than a smartphone. -
Mobile phone Martin Cooper
The mobile phone is a portable device that can make or receive calls through a radio frequency carrier.