Engaging with technology scaled

Telecommunication inventions

  • Computer (Charles Babbage)

    Computer (Charles Babbage)
    Electronic machine capable of storing information and processing it automatically through mathematical and logical operations controlled by computer programs.
  • Telegraph (Samuel Morse)

    Telegraph (Samuel Morse)
    Communication system that allows the transmission of information by means of electrical impulses and using a pre-established code of signs.
  • Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)

    Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)
    Communication system that transmits voice and sound over long distances by electrical or electromagnetic means.
  • Radio (Nikola Tesla)

    Radio (Nikola Tesla)
    An electrical device that receives radiotelegraphy or radiotelephone waves and transforms them into sounds or signals.
  • Television (John Logie Baird)

    Television (John Logie Baird)
    System of transmission of images and sounds at a distance by means of Hertzian waves.
  • Tablet (Alan Kay)

    Tablet (Alan Kay)
    It is a portable electronic device that is larger than a smartphone or a PDA, it is a single piece that integrates a touch screen that emits light and with which it interacts primarily with the fingers or a stylus, without the need for a physical keyboard or mouse.
  • Mobile phone (Martin Cooper)

    Mobile phone (Martin Cooper)
    A mobile phone or cell phone is a portable device that can make or receive calls through a radio frequency carrier, while the user is moving within a telephone service area.