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Telecommunication Inventions

  • COMPUTER Charles Babbage

    COMPUTER Charles Babbage
    The computer is a programmable digital electronic machine that executes a series of commands to process the input data, conveniently obtaining information that is subsequently sent to the output units.
  • TELEGRAPH Joseph Henry

    TELEGRAPH Joseph Henry
    The telegraph is the communication system that allows the transmission of information by means of electrical impulses and using a pre-established code of signs.
  • TELEPHONE Antonio Meucci

    TELEPHONE Antonio Meucci
    The telephone is the device that transmits sounds through a cable through electrical signals.
  • RADIO Guglielmo Marconi

    RADIO Guglielmo Marconi
    The radius is the straight line that joins the center of a circle with any point on the edge of the circumference.
  • TELEVISION John Logie Baird

    TELEVISION John Logie Baird
    Television is the system for transmitting images and sounds at a distance by means of Hertzian waves.
  • MOBILE PHONE Martin Cooper

    MOBILE PHONE  Martin Cooper
    Un teléfono móvil o teléfono celular es un dispositivo portátil que puede hacer o recibir llamadas a través de una portadora de radiofrecuencia, mientras el usuario se está moviendo dentro de un área de servicio telefónico
  • TABLET Jeff Hawkins

    TABLET Jeff Hawkins
    The tablet is a portable electronic device larger than a smartphone or a PDA, it is a single piece that integrates a touch screen that emits light.