Choosing the topic was easy because I am interested in knowing about teen moms and how their life goes. -
Talking to my friend
Taking to my friend about this project and telling her i wanted to do my topic on teen pregancy, She told me she had a cousin that was a teen mom. -
The Hard part
Getting the number from my friend to call her cousin was hard. i was scared of getting rejected because i didnt know how she might have felt. -
Period: to
Teen moms
Meeting with Jasmine she had her baby with her. One of the questions were when did she have her baby. She it her on july 23,2011 -
The second question was how do it feel to be a teen mom. She told me that it was hard because she didnt know what to do. Her mother and family was supportive so she kept the baby. -
being judged
Were she judged when she was Pregnant. She said that every one had something to say. Still being in high school was hard because the school was small and everybody knew everyone. -
Is the father in the baby life? The father did little thing like bought the baby things but didnt spend time with the baby. -
Friends and Family
How did her friends and family take it? They were made at first but they came around anad was happy and very helpful when the baby came. -
Affected her life.
Do having the baby affect her life? She said Yes because of the freedom that she dont have. Trying to have a babysitter is hard and she cant always do what she want. -
Final words
Finishing this project made me realize that i am grateful. -
kerria adams
Kerria story was different. She didnt have her baby because her mother thought it would be better for her to stay in Chicago. -
Kerria Baby father.
Kerria's baby father wasnt in the baby life none. This affected her life because she didnt have that much help. -
Even though she said that she didnt regret her baby the more we talked and certain worda that was said, i could tell she wasnt happy,