Teddy Rossevelt

  • Teddy Roosevelt's Birth

    Teddy Roosevelt's Birth
    Teddy was born and raised in the state of Manhattan, New York. There, he acquired all of his natural abilities and skills.
  • Period: to

    President Roosevelt

  • Graduation

    Teddy Roosevelt graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in all of America; Harvard University.
  • Teddy marries his childhood soul mate

    Teddy marries his childhood soul mate
    On this day, Teddy and Kermit Roosevelt said 'I do."
  • Becoming President

    Teddy became the President of the United States of America, after the Former President died.
  • Nobel Peace Prize Winner

    Nobel Peace Prize Winner
    Teddy Roosevelt was fortunate enough to win an lifetime achievement award because of his contribution to ending the Russian & Japanese War