Teddy Roosevelt Timeline Project

  • Theodore Roosevelt was born

    Theodore Roosevelt was born
    Roosevelt was born in New York City to a rich family. He would go onto become the 26th president of United States.
  • Theodore was named President when McKinley is assassinated

    Theodore was named President when McKinley is assassinated
    After President McKinley was assassinated, Theodore Roosevelt, vice president took the presidency.
  • Energy crisis-Anthracite strike

    Energy crisis-Anthracite strike
    Roosevelt intervened in the ad recycle strike, which created an energy crisis. His meditation led to a settlement.
  • Elkins at passed

    Elkins at passed
    The Elkins act was passed to affect heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates and on the ship for that accepted it.
  • Pelican Island

    Pelican Island
    Roosevelt named pelican Island as the first bird reservation. This part at the beginning of the national wildlife refugee system.
  • Roosevelt wins first full term as president

    Roosevelt wins first full term as president
    Roosevelt won his first term as president after finishing McKinley‘s term
  • Passage of pure food and drug act

    Passage of pure food and drug act
    This act was signed into law by Theodore Roosevelt to regulate the labeling and safety of food and drugs being distributed in the US
  • Yosemite under

    Yosemite under
    Roosevelt signed a bill placing Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove under Federal protection as a part of Yosemite national Park
  • Devils Tower, Wyoming named first national monument

    Devils Tower, Wyoming named first national monument
    Roosevelt used the antiquities act to designate devils tower as a first national monument in the US
  • Leaves presidency visits Africa

    Leaves presidency visits Africa
    After leaving the presidency, Theodore Roosevelt journey on the safari in Africa, where he collected specimens for the Smithsonian Institution
  • Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for moose party

    Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for moose party
    Roosevelt ran for president again as a candidate for the progressive party, also known as, the moose party, but he was unsuccess