First Public School
The first public school was established in 1635 in Boston, Massachusetts. John Cotton brought over from England the idea of having a free public school. It was the first public school in the United States. It was important because it set the standards for today's public school system. -
Plessy VS. Ferguson
Plessy Vs. Ferguson stems from a Supreme Court that legalized segregation. I found it important because it made me realize how segregation had affected our public schools and our country. The idea of separate but equal rights was found to be constitutional however, in actuality this idea was not found to be equal and that Blacks became inferior to the Whites. This was shown in the public schools that had poor materials in Black schools compared to the White schools. -
School Lunch For All
The school lunch for all was launched though the National School Lunch Act in 1946. This allowed low-income students to have access to free or low-cost lunches during the school day. This was good because many children came to school hungry and not being able to concentrate on their lessons. In today's school districts they are now offering free or reduced breakfast in the mornings. -
Brown VS. Board of Education
Brown VS. Board of Education reversed the Plessy VS. Ferguson ruling that separate is not equal and therefore outlawed segregation. This was a step in the right direction because all children, regardless of race are entitled to the same education given to all. -
Getting Connected
Internet availability became accessible to all American Schools. Since 2003 schools have had the opportunity to get connected to the internet. While it is interesting to know this there are some schools that cannot afford the internet service, they will always have the opportunity once they have the funds to do so. Technology will always be progressing now and in the future. This is interesting because students are the future of science, technology, environmental, and math progression.