Birth of Tecumseh
Tecumseh was born after a shooting star was seen shooting across the town, it was 12 miles East of present day Dayton, Ohio . His name means "I cross somebody's path" or "a great spirit going south" in his native tounge. -
Tecumseh's dad dies
Tecumseh's dad was killed in the Battle of Point Pleastant. His name was Pucksinwah, which means "I light from flying." -
Tecumseh's birthday
Tecumseh turns 10 years old. -
village is moved
Tecumseh joined a band of Shawnee warriors. These Shawnee warrioirs fought to protect their land from whites. -
Tecumseh joins a band of Shwanee
Tecumseh's brother died
Tecumseh's older brother Cheeseekau died when he was 32 at a battle between the Native Americans and settlers. -
Fallen Timbers
Tecumseh took part in the Batte of Fallen Timbers. -
Tenskwatawa's "prophecy" gather a lot of attention
Tenskwatawa's means "the open door" the white people said that he was just drunk but it actually ended up happening. -
Tecumseh is killed