
  • Atari Submits Copyright

    Atari Submits Copyright
    The Atari company submits the first copyrights for two of their video games entitled "Lunar Lander" and "Asteroids".
  • IBM's Personal Computer

    IBM's Personal Computer
    There were other personal computers before this but IBM definitely made personal computers a household name.
  • Apple Introduces the Macintosh

    Apple Introduces the Macintosh
    Apple comes out with their own personal computer, marking their introduction as a household name for decades to come. Today the Apple vs Microsoft debate is as strong as ever.
  • The Creation of Microsoft Windows

    The Creation of Microsoft Windows
    Today millions of business people and students alike utilize Microsoft Windows to run businesses and produce quality work.
  • The Game Boy

    The Game Boy
    This popular gaming device solidified its place in the hearts of gamers everywhere when it was introduced in 1989. It certainly paved the way for Nintendo as its first handheld and for the company's continued success.