Technology Use Timeline

By sohn05
  • IBM - Windows

    IBM - Windows
    IBM Personal Computer was one of the first computers in the world that people could own at home. This company was founded by Hollerith, Watson, Flint, and Fairchild.
  • Sega Genesis

    Sega Genesis
    16-bit video game console designed by an R&D team supervised by Hideki Sato and Masami Ishikawa. Was made to compete against Nintendo. Hugely successful and sold many games like Sonic and Mega Man.
  • iPad

    Designed for graphic design, games, journalling, and work. The iPad's visionary was Steve Jobs, while his team of executives and engineers brought it to life.
  • iPhone 3G

    iPhone 3G
    The iPhone 3G was a mobile device that allowed people to communicate through text and calls. Another Apple product created by Steve Jobs.
  • HP Pavilion

    HP Pavilion
    A laptop for home computing. HP was conceptualized by businessmen Hewlett and Packard, as well as the inventor Mohamed Atalla.