PlayStation 2
The PlayStation 2 was THE most advanced gaming system the world had ever seen when it was released. It took the computer industry to new heights with its top tear software. -
Apple Released Mac OS X
Mac OS X was a step up to the Mac system. This was the start of the rise of Apple. Mac OS X is known for its simplicity and aesthetic interface. -
Windows XP Released
Microsoft released Windows XP, similar to Mac OS X, it made advancements in the industry. It lasted operational for an astonishingly 13 years. -
First 1 TB Hard Disk Drive
Hitachio Glocal Storage Technologies released the first ever 1 TB hard disk which had the most storage ever seen before. It raised the standard for storage. -
First Iphone Released
Apple released the first Iphone which evolved the game of computers and smart phones. They made a super computer in a tiny phone that fits in your pocket.