Technology use progression

  • Facebook

    Facebook was invented in 2004. Inventor Mark Zuckerburg started Facebook, and originally it was only open to Harvard students. As it gained more popularity, it became a large part of social media as we know it today. It quickly became the biggest social media platform and makes billions of dollars to this day. Facebook is quintessentially in how we know social media today and even helped set the foundation for modern social media.
  • Google Maps

    Google Maps
    Launched in 2004, this map based allowed people to explore locations around the world. This program developed by brothers Lars and Jens Rasmussen at Where 2 Technologies.This also, has helped people navigate where specific locations are located and how the area is supposed to look.
  • YouTube

    On February 14, 2005, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim founded YouTube as an online video-sharing platform. YouTube's creators aimed to make it simple for individuals to publish and distribute videos globally. Many people post videos on their daily lives like a blog and tutorials on how to do certain things.
  • Wii

    The Wii was invented in 2006. It was invented by Nintendo as a way to keep up with their competitors Microsoft (Xbox) and Sony (Playstation). What set the Wii apart was its ability for players to physically work within a digital sphere and set precedence for other gaming types (like the oculus) to come in the future. The Wii is even still loved to this day and was revolutionary for the entire generation that used it.
  • Iphone

    The first iPhone was invented in 2007 and its debut is still discussed to this day. Inventor Steve Jobs, and forever changed how phones are looked at. It was revealed as a bigger touchscreen iPod with access to the internet at the touch of your fingertips. To this day, the best-selling cell phone is still and iPhone and Apple has made billions on this invention. The iPhone was ground breaking for cell phones and revolutionized how we view cell phones to this day.