
Technology Use Progression

  • HeLa Cells

    HeLa Cells
    In 1951, Henrietta Lacks, went to Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital to be treated for cervical cancer. Some of her cancer cells began being used in research due to their unique ability to continuously grow and divide in the laboratory. These so-called “immortal” cells were later named “HeLa”. Since Ms. Lacks’ death in 1952, HeLa cells have been a vital tool in biomedical research, leading to an increased understanding of the fundamentals of human health and disease.
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    The Human Genome Project was a 15 year long publicly funded project initiated in 1990 with the objective of determining the DNA sequence of the entire euchromatic human genome.
  • Linux - Linus Torvalds

    Linux - Linus Torvalds
    Linux's open-source nature fosters transparency and collaborative security auditing. From a basic operating system for personal computers, it has developed into a popular and respected platform that runs anything from supercomputers to mobile phones.
  • Hotmail Launched - Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith

    Hotmail Launched - Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith
    At the time, email access was limited to desktop applications that required specific software installation, so Hotmail was a radical departure from the dial-up services that required a paid account.
  • Nintendo 64 - Nintendo

    Nintendo 64 - Nintendo
    N64 was a social console. With its four controller ports, sleepovers and hangouts with large groups of friends became more fun. Previous gaming consoles only had two controller ports. The ability to play games with larger groups of people allowed for truly social gaming experiences.
  • BlackBerry Smartphone - Mike Lazaridis and Doug Fregin

    BlackBerry Smartphone - Mike Lazaridis and Doug Fregin
    BlackBerry was one of the first devices that had email accessibility
  • Instagram Launched - Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger

    Instagram Launched - Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger
    This social network, since its launch in 2010, has not only revolutionized the world of digital marketing but has also created new forms of expression and communication among users from all over the world. With filters and carefully crafted photos, Instagram revolutionized how businesses build and position brands. It also changed how we communicate with consumers and how we use aesthetic for personal and professional expression.