Technology Use Progression of the 2000s

  • Itunes was released

    Apple developed the music platform. Itunes revolutionized how we access and listen to music as it allowed us to have our entire music library at our fingetrips.
  • The Roomba

    Joe Jones, an engineer at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory invented the Roomba iRobot Vacuum. The Roomba has enhanced our lives by creating a huge time saver in households by eliminating cleaning time and creating more time for homeowners.
  • MySpace

    Tom Anderson invented MySpace. The website was a social network that defined an era of social interaction
  • Nintendo Wii

    The video game console was invented by game designers, Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda. The Wii allowed access to entertainment, news and games.
  • Apple Iphone

    Apple, whos CEO was Steve Jobs, released the first iPhone which gave us acces to built in GPS navigation, high camera definition, texting, calendar, voice dictation and weather reports and so much more.