Technology Use Progression

By Zbo25
  • Apple watch

    Apple watch
    Jony Ive and Steve Jobs are both said to be the inventors of the Apple Watch. This watch has helped people better track their health and every day lives.
  • Windows 10

    Windows 10
    Microsoft releases Windows 10 and it was very popular for a long time.
  • first five-quantum computer

    Scientists at MIT created the first five-atom quantum computer with the potential to crack the security of traditional encryption schemes.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    Nintendo released the nintendo switch and it quickly became one of the most popular gaming consoles. Yoshiaki Koizumi is said to be the designer and inventor of this console.
  • Quantum Supremacy

    Quantum Supremacy
    On this day, Google claimed to have achieved Quantum Supremacy. Quantum supremacy is just when a quantum computer performs more calculatations more efficiently and at a higher rate than a classic computer.