Technology Use Progression

  • First Telephone Invented

    The first telephone was invented in 1854 by Italian inventor Antonio Meucci. This gave the American inventor Alexander Grahm Bell the precursor to his patented telephone.
  • First U.S. Telephone Patent

    Alexander Graham Bell received the first U.S. patent for the first telephone in 1876. The invention and U.S. patent of the telephone allowed us to communicate more efficiently with each other.
  • First "Shoe" Cell Phone Invented

    In April of 1973 the first "brick", or "shoe" the phone was invented. This was the first cell phone however the phone was huge and not easily portable. This led to the later inventions of the more modern cell phones.
  • Invention of The First "Motorola" Flip Phone

    The first flip phone was invented by the company Motorola in 1996. This was one of the first conveniently portable early cell phones. Flip phones were very popular when I was a young child.
  • First "iphone" invented

    Technology giant Apple invented the first iPhone in June of 2007. This launched a mainstream brand of smartphones that are now on their fourteenth model.