Technology Use Progression

  • Typewriters

    1990's: As a student during this decade, I had to use the computer to write papers. Having resisted the use of computer, I suffer a lot from ignorance. I remember many nights at the computer lab trying to learn what others seem to do with ease. I should have taken the necessary training I needed at this time, but my fears prevailed, and I continued to resist learning about them.
  • ATM Machines

    ATM Machines
    1980's: I was introduced to the ATM machine by my bank, nicknamed the ugly teller. I remember resisting to use it. I was so worried the machine would not be able to keep my money safe for me. I continued to go inside the bank to see the live teller for a good ten years before I used it.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    2010's: As part of my job as a nurse, I interacted with the doctors assigned to my patients. Doctors at that time, required that I text them instead of calling them to report any changed of conditions or asked for needed orders. I had to buy an approved cell phone and learned how to text. After a lot of prayers, I was able to learn the technology and I found it doable and better to text than talk on the phone with an angry doctor.
  • Personal Computers

    Personal Computers
    2000's: I entered the workforce, and I was able to manage to learn what I needed to operate a personal computer in order to do my job. I performed repeated tasks and did not venture anywhere else on the internet.
  • Laptop

    2015's: I changed job, and again I found myself needing to get a laptop in order to visit patients at their homes. I had to learn how to use another technology to do my job also I became comfortable using the software at the facility I was working and to my surprise I had to learn a new software, I almost quit but I decided to accept the challenge and again with a lot of time invested, I learned it.