First Automobile Ever Made
The first automobile ever invented had a steam engine. Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot invented it in France. This three wheeled automobile was invented for the French Army. This steam engine vehicle only went 2.5 mph. -
First Vacuum Cleaner Made
Ives McGaffey patented a sweeping machine or a vacuum. McGaffey is from Chicago and he is an inventor. This machine helped clean rugs and carpets. -
First Gasoline Vehicle Ever Invented
This vehicle was the first real automobile. This vehicle also only had three wheels. This auntmobile was invented by Karl Friedrich Benz. This internal combustion engine vehicle was invented in Germany. -
First Radio Ever Invented
The first radio ever invented was by Gugilelmo Marconi. The radio was thought of because of the telegraph and the telephone. The radio was a wireless telegraphy, it started witht he discovery of radio waves. -
First Lie Detector Discovered
James Mackenzie invented the first lie detector machine. His machine wasn't very successful. Later on John Larson in 1921 discoved a new and more successful one that we still use today. -
First Candlestick Phone Was Discovered
This candlesitck phone had a freestanding stick,transimeter, and removeable reciever that was connected through a wire. This phone was sold by Western Electric. This was very important to communicate to others. -
First Tevlevision Was Invented
The first television was invented a lot sooner then they broadcasting. It took nine years before the TV pictures were broadcated. The first place TV pictures were broadcasted in was Germany. Only six years later America also allowed TV broadcasting. -
The Iron-Lung Was Discovered
Philip Drinker invented the iron-lung. The iron-lung was installed in the Bellevue hospital in New York City. The first couple patients had polio sufferers with cheast paralysis. Late on John Emerson improved Drinker's iron-lung and made it so that it cost less to manufacture. -
Penicillin Was Discovered
Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming. Penicillin has mold in it and is very helpful as medicine. The mold was antibacteria and kills anything harmful.