
Technology Trends and Timeline (Mililani, Hawaii, USA)

By crysak
  • First Handheld Calculator Invented

    First Handheld Calculator Invented
  • Period: to


  • RAM Invented

    RAM Invented
  • Sesame Street Created

    Sesame Street Created
  • First Microprocessor Invented

    First Microprocessor Invented
  • Ethernet Invented

    Ethernet Invented
  • First IBM-PC Released

    First IBM-PC Released
  • First Apple Mcintosh Invented

    First Apple Mcintosh Invented
  • Instructional Television

    Instructional Television
  • Scantron Machines

    Scantron Machines
  • First Digital Cellular Phone Invented

    First Digital Cellular Phone Invented
  • The WWW Invented

    The WWW Invented
  • Teacher Machines

    Teacher Machines
  • School-Wide Access to the WWW

    School-Wide Access to the WWW
  • First Virtual School

    First Virtual School
  • Magnet E-Academy

    Magnet E-Academy
  • Computer Labs Set Up

    Computer Labs Set Up
  • First School Websites and Reports

    First School Websites and Reports
  • Information Technology and Quality Control Created

    Information Technology and Quality Control Created
  • iClicker Released

    iClicker Released
  • Intrusion Protection Prevention Systems

    Intrusion Protection Prevention Systems
  • Abura Systems

    Abura Systems
  • Introduction of Google Docs

    Introduction of Google Docs
  • Cisco WIFI System

    Cisco WIFI System
  • Apple iPad Released

    Apple iPad Released
  • Introduction of Springboard

    Introduction of Springboard