Technology Timeline- Rowan Corker

  • VHS/CD Player and TV

    VHS/CD Player and TV
    The first real source of entertainment I had. The amount of CDS and VHSs we had was unreal, it makes me glad for modern cloud-based entertainment, but back then, it was huge for at home entertainment systems.. Created by SONY
  • Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3DS

    Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3DS
    The Wii and 3DS were some of the closest things to a modern phone for children. Created by Nintendo, the amount games and apps were endless, which really created an unprecedented sense of freedom for gamers inexperienced games.
  • Xbox 360 by Microsoft

    Xbox 360 by Microsoft
    This was my first gaming console, and one of the best in history. Games seemed limitless and when I say ALL of them were good, all of them were good. The technology was so revolutionary, i feel at least, that it still holds up today. Proof- I still have my old Xbox and use it.
  • MSI Dragon Gaming PC

    MSI Dragon Gaming PC
    This was my first PC, which was a huge change. MSI was a popular gaming PC brand, so I was ecstatic to be the owner of one. If I thought games were limitless before, I was wrong. I currently own about 180 games on pc alone. Overall, I think a PC is the best way to go game wise. The hardware is great; Proof- I still have my PC and it works fine.
  • Homemade Desktop PC

    Homemade Desktop PC
    This is the newest piece of technology I have. With a 3070 graphics card and reasonable intel processor, I am a very happy man gaming wise. I feel I could have gotten more use out of my gaming laptop, but its age was starting to show storage wise.