Technology timeline - iPhone

By Nadiai
  • The first car phone

  • First portable mobile phone - Motorola Dyna Tac

  • Nokia's first mobile phone

  • Introduction of 2G technology

    The first digital cellular phone call was made in the United States in 1990
  • Introduction of the Cell Phone - Motorola StarTAC

    Motorola StarTAC (1996). Before the Motorola StarTAC was introduced in 1996, cell phones were more about function than fashion.
  • Introduction of Blackberry

    Blackberry is a wireless handheld device introduced in 1999 which supports push e-mail, mobile telephone, text messaging, internet faxing, web browsing and other wireless information services. Developed by the Canadian company Research In Motion (RIM), it delivers information over the wireless data networks of mobile phone service companies. BlackBerry first made headway in the marketplace by concentrating on e-mail.
  • Introduction of the Smart Phone - Kyocera QCP6035

    The company's QCP6035 smart phone, which hit the retail market in early 2001 and cost between $400 and $500 (depending on the carrier), was the first Palm-based phone to be widely available to users.
  • Introduction of the iPhone

    The iPhone was released on June 29, 2007 in the United States where thousands of people were reported to have queued outside