
Technology Timeline

  • Punch Card-Hollerith

    Punch Card-Hollerith
    Herman Hollerith invented a machine that would collect data from a series of punched cards. The machine would register which column the hole was punched in and would associate it with a letter or number.
  • Steam Calculator- Analytical Machine

    Steam Calculator- Analytical Machine
    Founded by Charles Babbage, this machine was made to serve a similar purpose to current day calculators. It had a "Store" where it held numbers and a "Mill" where math functions were preformed. The functions included, multiplication, and division. This machine was never completed but was the starting point to caluclators.
  • GUI-Englebart

    GUI stands for graphical user interface. Developed by Xerox Palo Alto research laboratory, adds to user interface. It uses icons instead of having to type in UIs.
  • Turing

    Alan Turing developed the first modern computer and formed a basis for AI. There's a Turing test that determines whether a computer is capable of thinking human or not. It's mostly used to test the limits of computation.
  • HP

    Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard invented HP which stands for Hewlett-Packard Company. This company manufactures software and computer services.
  • COBOL-Grace Hopper

    COBOL-Grace Hopper
    Designed by CODASYL which Grace Hopper designed was meant to be a portable programming language for data processing.COBOL stands for Common Business Oriented Language. It takes one program's language and converts to it into machine code that computers can understand.
  • Apple

    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, previous college dropouts, working out of their garage created a portable convenient laptop. They wanted to make the best products and change the way people view computers.
  • Windows

    Microsoft Corporation developed Microsoft Windows to serve as a personal computer, also known as a PC. It had the first graphical user interface for compatible PCs. Windows manages and organizes the CPU, RAM, and hard disk.
  • Tim Berners Lee

    Tim Berners Lee
    He invented the World Wide Web. His most notable works are URLs, HTTP, and HTML. The web being a series of hyperlinks connecting sites all around the world.
  • WIFI

    Vic Hayes is known as "The Father of WIFI" for his involvement in the creation. The first release of WIFI only allowed up to 2 Mbit/s link speeds. And that has improved throughout the years. WIFI allows a local area to operate without cables and wiring. It's popular for home and business networks. It also works across multiple devices.
  • iPhone

    The first iPhone was intended to have the same functions as an iPod, mobile phone, and internet communicator. Apple Inc. developed the iPhone, executed by the CEO Steve Jobs.
  • Chromebook

    Google made the chrome book to make things faster and easier for the average consumer since it doesn't need a heavy processor. The chrome book is focused on using the chrome browser hence the name. It also includes cloud storage and many google features built in, and added security by using google. It also had integration with android apps.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    Apple watch, made by the Apple company, is designed to be on your wrist instead of in your hand like a cellphone. Apple's goal was to reduce screen time but overtime it has been known for it's health and fitness aspects. You have many similar functions that you would with cellphones. Such as texting and calling, alarms, and even monitor your heart rate.